- Spinal
Disc herniations or protrusions may cause low back and lower extremity
pain. Through a small incision in the low back, the disc material can
be removed with microscopic techniques.
Narrowing of the lumbar spine is called lumbar stenosis.
Lumbar stenosis can cause low back and radiating lower extremity pain.
This pain is typically increased with walking. Through an incision in
the low back, the compression on the nerve structures can be relieved.
Lumbar Discectomy
In certain selected cases, this minimally invasive technique may be
used to remove disc herniations or protrusions.
Percutaneous Discectomy (APLD)
In certain selected cases, this minimally invasive technique may
be used
to remove disc protrusions. Patients go home on the day of surgery.
Electrothermal Coagulation (IDET)
In certain selected cases, this minimally invasive procedure can be
used to alleviate the pain caused by disc protrusion. A small needle
is directed into the disc space. Through this needle a heating device
is inserted into the disc in order to coagulate the disc and pain causing
nerves. Patients go home on the day of the surgery.
Instrumentation and Reconstruction
Certain complex spinal cases will require the placement of metallic
devices in the spine to ensure stabilization and promote fusion. These
devices include interbody fusion cages and pedicle screw fixation devices.
Cervical Discectomy and Fusion
Disc herniations or protrusions in the cervical spine can cause neck
and upper extremity pain. Through a small incision in the neck the disc
material can be removed. The disc space is then usually fused with bone
obtained from a tissue bank or with bone from the patient's hip.
Narrowing of the cervical spine is called cervical stenosis. Compression
of the spinal cord by cervical stenosis can cause weakness and gait
disorders. Through an incision in the back of the neck the compression
on the spinal cord can be relieved.
- Lumbar
X-Stop Procedure
This is a minimally invasive method of decompressing spinal
stenosis by placing a metallic implant between the spinous processes.
- For more
information about Spinal Surgery, please visit: www.neurosurgery.org.